Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Learn Stage Hypnosis

Stage hypnosis is very different to hypnotherapy and it teaches you how to hypnotize people, opposed to just one person. The key here is to be able to to master the concept of hypnosis, multitask, be able to induce a trance on a stranger and most of all be an entertainer!

What is stage hypnosis?

Stage hypnosis is when you are in front of 100's of people (mostly skeptics) who are expecting to see you make volunteers do embarrassing acts and provide an experience that is worth the cover charge they have paid. The act of hypnosis is only a part of stage hypnosis because the main idea is to provide a show which has a story involved that will bring the audience up and down throughout the 45mins to hour that you have with them. The ups and downs I am referring to are when you add the comedic element, then you might get serious for a moment, go down memory lane and force the audience to think for themselves and also involve everyone with a simple exercise like holding the persons pinkie to your left and say hello to the person on your right. Make sure you entertain.

Principles of stage hypnosis

Pick your subjects
The first thing to focus on with stage hypnosis is that you need to be able to pick the right volunteers that will give you the least amount of resistance when you want to put them in a trance. There are many people who want to prove you wrong and resist but there are also many people who want to genuinely experience hypnosis and it is up to you to recognize the difference.

No inductions, straight to suggestions
You simply do not have time to hypnotically induce everyone that you pick and because there is always more than one, it is important to induce a trance and implement suggestions into your volunteers minds as quickly as possible. Keep the flow going and make sure to confirm your suggestions as you give new ones.

Monitor your volunteers and the crowd
This is where the multitasking comes in. You need to be able to keep a close eye on your subjects especially when they are coming out of a trance but at the same time you need to entertain the audience and keep them focused on the direction of the show. This takes a lot of practice but once you master it you can start to play with the crowd and help them with your suggestion implementation.

Be careful
Your subjects are under your control and if you are not aware of what everyone is doing then accidents happen. The last thing you want is a volunteer trying a backflip and breaking their neck in front of 100 witnesses. Be smart with your show and do not push the limits.

Where can you learn stage hypnosis?

I highly recommend learning conversational hypnosis because this is about learning how to hypnotize strangers without there knowledge in common social settings. I already have a link to this amazing resource at the top/left of this blog.

Learn self Hypnosis

If you are reading this post then you want to learn how to hypnotize yourself. This is probably to either increase your confidence or to kick a habit or an addiction that you might have. This is actually quite common and hypnosis is proved to give the best results for self improvement. Lets have a look at the common causes for addictions and how it relates to hypnosis.

What causes your addiction/habit

This is generally related to a stressful time in your life when you needed a distraction from the stress and this distraction was something that made you feel better temporarily. Usually it is smoking, overeating, drinking or procrastination that we commonly have as our distractions and they give us a moment of relief from our task at hand where we do not have to concentrate on anything else. The problem here is that you have programmed yourself to react in a certain way when stress (or whatever the task may be) is on your mind. This is called NLP neuro-linguistic programming and what hypnosis will do is teach you how to change your NLP.

Hypnosis and NLP

Hypnosis is using the understanding of common NLP triggers and how to manipulate them to implant suggestion into someones head. A common NLP trigger is that the word "fail" means a bad thing and when that is associated with yourself it is a very bad thing. The job at hand with self hypnosis is to understand what your trigger is that makes you want to do your distraction (addiction/habit). The next step is to create a different analogy and response to this trigger and imbed that into your subconcious so that in the future when the trigger happens again your response is not to go to your distraction.

A good resource to learn self hypnosis

The best resource that I would recommend is the link that I have at the top/left of this screen. It provides hours of support and the opportunity to learn hypnosis from the best teacher in the World.

Learn How to Hypnotize Someone

So you want to learn how to hypnotize someone and you do not know if it is possible. Do not worry anyone can learn hypnosis and the key is to find the right teacher. I will give some basics to follow when hypnotizing a person and then give you a reference to a great learning source.

Be in the right mindset

If you have doubt in your own mind about the credibility of hypnosis then I suggest you get rid of it ASAP. The only way to be able to learn anything is to remove doubt from your mind and make sure you believe in what you are being taught no matter what other people tell you. This transfers across to when you are using hypnosis because if you want to be able to persuade someone to do something than your focus has to be at 100%.


This is especially important when you are implementing the hypnotic induction because this is when you put your person into a suggestive state. This process requires you to take charge and create analogies for your 'subject' so that their mind is open to your suggestions and if your confidence is low it will translate in your tone and delivery so make sure that you keep your confidence at a high.

Choose the right hypnosis teacher

I don't have to tell you that a bad teacher gives bad results and generally you get what you pay for. Please please please do not buy a $50 online hypnosis download because if you are starting out as a hypnosis student you need actual support from a professional. There is a guy called Igor Ledochowski who is the World authority on teaching hypnosis to "average Joe." I have a link at the top/left of this screen that will take you to a review of his course and how you can get involved. He offers access to his hypnosis club where you can contact him directly as well as a set of audio CD's, transcripts and heaps more. This is the kind of teacher who will give you results.