Friday, March 5, 2010

Do you want to know how to hypnotize someone instantly?

This is very difficult to do because it depends on a few variables.

1. Is this person someone you know OR
2. Are they a stranger?

It is much easier to accomplish instant hypnosis on somebody that you know because you are already aware of what triggers their reactions.

Example - Instantly hypnotize someone you know
You want to convince Jenny to go out tonight for dinner and drinks but she normally likes to use Friday night (tonight) as home time to unwind from the week at work. Pressuring her that she is not a team player and that she is getting old does not work and her reaction is always to reconfirm her decision to stay at home. This is a powerful piece of knowledge regarding her NLP because you can go straight into the conversation using a different suggestion linking it to a positive trigger like,

“Jenny you would not believe that discount on access to the club tonight! $30 entry all you can drink, saves a lot of money for shopping tomorrow.”

Can you see how the purpose of tonight emphasises the positive of tomorrow. This is a very powerful form of misdirection which can also be transferred to hypnotizing a stranger.

Example - Instantly hypnotize a stranger
So when you are trying to persuade a stranger to do something it is best to use very common triggers that 90% of the population have in common. This generally comes down to playing on a common fear and if they will lose an opportunity if they do not do what you say. There are examples of this when TV ads claim that “this stock take sale won’t last, act now to get access to this offer before others do!” It works every time which is why these ad’s continue and you too can also use this technique when trying to hypnotize someone instantly.

So you want to sell a new phone to a client and need the sale now or you will lose the commission. Here is a common technique: You notice they eye a particular phone so you come over to them and say,

“Hi my name is Mr X, you have impeccable taste, simply because that is the same phone all my friends have. Unfortunately this model will probably be limited and I have been getting orders all day. Take your time and look around but if I were you I would put in a reservation request.”

From this statement you have created rapport, a sense of want, fear of loss and implanted suggestion that will not leave the person’s mind even if they want it to. If you think about this situation you can probably relate and also confirm that many spur of the moment decisions have been suggested indirectly by someone.

There are many other methods to accomplish this but I would recommend looking at this conversational hypnosis coaching for in depth information.

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